3 Tips to Keep Yourself Healthier in the Workplace

No matter how many T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted, workplace injuries and illnesses can happen to anyone, anywhere. All the protocols in the world can’t keep you immune from the occasional accident or illness that comes from sharing space with other people. Here are a few tips on how to keep the injuries and illnesses down to a minimum in an environment in which many factors are at play.

Always Follow Protocols

There are no safe ways to cut corners on the job. Whether you’re working with heavy machinery, blood-born pathogens or office equipment, operate under the assumption that the rules and guidelines are in place for a reason. Protocols exist because someone, somewhere along the line got hurt doing things their own way. The seconds or minutes you might save by taking a shortcut could translate to days or even weeks of lost pay if you disregard existing safety measures. Keep practicing common sense and keep your protocols updated to avoid injury at work.

Plan Ahead

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Stock up on vitamin C and hand sanitizer if you share common areas with people. Viruses can run wild through the workplace in no time, but if you give your immune system a little boost, you might be spared this round of unpleasantness. Another way you can keep yourself healthy in the workplace is by keeping nutritious snacks on hand. Rather than heading to the vending machine, which can add up financially as well as calorically, create a stash of tasty but healthy food for when cravings hit. Vegetables, nuts and dried fruit are all nutritious in moderation, and just a small handful can hold you over to your next meal.

Move Around

A entire catalog of office maladies can form because people are sedentary, or they repeat the same motions day in and day out. Make a point to take a walk during lunch, or use the stairs rather than the elevator. These seemingly insignificant habits can actually add up to a world of difference. The human body was simply not designed to sit down at a desk all day, and if you have an office job, you need to make the appropriate efforts to move around to maintain proper health.

While no one is immune to accidents, there are things you can do to maintain normal workplace health. Click here to learn more about the workplace illness treatment in San Diego.

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